
Writing from the Heart

Navigating True North

When the needle of the compass broke on my voyage of life, I realised a multitude of things contributed to the cause and effect of losing my way.  I did not realise I was lost until after the fact and with the process of elimination, I threw the stuff overboard. And that was all it was, stuff.  I was consuming too much stuff.  Whatever the narrative or topic, one day I questioned the truth of what I heard and the next I realised I was listening to a subjective perspective. We live in a reality that consists of both objective…
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Heaven on earth

The grand subject of this reality flows through my thoughts and one night settled on ‘heaven’.  With all my beingness I longed to see a glimpse of heaven.  The next morning, I recalled my dream to my partner, the clarity of the dream was not a daily general dream, it was a dream of knowledge that came from more than my waking life consciousness. As the hours rolled by, I saw that the dream was a summary of my life.  It had reflected my past with the principles that I had believed, the chain of reasoning that built the path…
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Weeding Thoughts

At times, not random, from my thoughts, comes cause and effect.  Capturing this moment and deciding to change the cause from continuing, to no longer reinforce it, I use the symbolism from my soul’s consciousness that I have learnt through the studying of my dreams. How do you act upon the moment when you sense something is not right, something or nothing may have happened, the feeling is there, the past, just the past few days, the past few days thoughts have crept into your beingness, and affect is brewing. I know to take the time to pause, not reflect,…
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I am Listening

I am in a stage of development where I no longer outsource, I am using all that I have learnt and experienced and am applying it.  I learnt a long time ago, that when I wanted change, I would set it in motion through action and this resulted in the change.  I do not forecast all the steps to get to what I want; I just see the outcome and take the first step and allow the path to unfold along the way.  When I look around at a later date, often years, I see that all I had wanted…
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Grandad’s Wisdom

Author, Grandad, posted to my mum 21.07.2002, handed down to me 01.08.2023 and transcribed, (no editing). GETTING STARTED. TO HELP US ALL IN OUR DAILY LIVES WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH, BUT WE ALSO NEED SOMEWAY OF SORTING THAT TRUTH OUT. BELOW ARE 5 ITEMS OF TRUTH. When a question or problem comes, get pen and paper and jot down everything that comes to mind, even if it seems irrelevant to that problem.  Then apply the following items and a solution will be there if all of them fit perfectly. GOD IS EVERYTHING AND IN EVERYTHING (energy of love)…
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Knowledge of Dreams

Studying my dreams has been a journey, a journey of learning and mastering.  I learn the different layers of myself, sometimes confronting and other times reassuring.  The layers connect with every aspect of life to make up who I am in the present, with the depth of the messages, I consciously make changes, the hardest and easiest part of evolving who I am.  Amongst the knowledge of my dreams, there is direction, suggestions, guidance, and help, all are useful and constructive. This information and knowledge, I have not found another way to be learnt or practiced.  Questions I ask are…
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Man’s Nature

As we stroll along the beach, the waves are inconsistent, and a disharmonious sound overlaps them.  Pausing to be still with our environment the wind was echoing as if we were standing in a tunnel.  Concentrating on love the disharmony stopped, the breeze flowed, and the waves formed in unison. Had David and I been out of harmony?  Is nature not a reflection of ourselves?  Or was this the energy of the beach and all those who come and go? Feet on the earth to connect and ground with the physical plane.  Burn sage to balance the emotions.  Meditate and…
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Taniwhas Spirit Splashes

On a hot summer’s day, my partner and I enjoyed the peacefulness of our favourite local waterfall.  The waterfall spans several meters in height and width with native bush on either side.  Sometimes the cascading river that flows through and around this magnificent mountain range whispers the bird’s secrets. David as usual was already in the water, under the waterfall embodying the weight of the river on his back.  As we were blessed with being present with this place on our own, I paused on the diving rock and connected with the area.  Breathing in and out, exchanging my breath…
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The Bumble Bee Path

How nature interacts with me, has helped me learn this illusion.  My understanding is this is an old way of living, and although I use to see it now and again through synchronicities, it is now a part of my life. It use to be a ride on a train, where I would question where I am going next on my travels and I would see a billboard that led me to another part of the country, or listening to the radio in the car with friends on a day trip and as the songs lyric would mention a lighthouse,…
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A Journey Around the Sun

Author, Morepork Like all journeys, there's a beginning, this beginning starts on Wednesday 12th of January 1966, at approximately 6.30 pm.  My mum had just swallowed her last mouthful of roast pork and I decided I wanted some of that.  Three hours later, my silent arrival had my mum question the Doctor, “Is something wrong?” “No, he has been here before,” as my big black eyes looked around for that pork. Unlike my siblings, who were born during the day, my nighttime arrival was the spirit of the Morepork.  My mum struggled endlessly to keep me awake during the hours of…
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The Butterfly Effect

My friend was inspired to write a story after I shared one of my articles with him.  In his story, he mentions how his childhood spiritual experiences started reappearing later in life, by someone mentioning something, or something happening that triggered the memory of the experience.  He then goes on to say how his childhood experiences would make sense and he understood why it happened, coming full circle.  I feel this is the best advice I would share with another who is asked ‘Why me, why do I experience these things?’ – which is exactly what I use to ask,…
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Accepting the Fate of My Integrity

Maybe I feel uninspired, have a few bad omens, different options present themselves or decisions need to be made, whatever the situation, questioning my integrity, always helps.  I check in with my integrity as I move along my path, reminding myself of the original intention behind something I started or scanning a situation to see if it aligns with my morals. Once upon a time, I did not realise how integrity plays a vital role in my foundations.  It is the fundamental groundwork of who I am, my choices, and the path before me.  I had never considered my integrity…
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Grapefruit or ?

When I was 19, I had a cyst the size of a grapefruit removed.  After being released from the hospital, I was sleeping in a single bed in my old childhood bedroom when I awoke to be turned onto my side.  In a sleepy state, I pushed myself back down onto my back and once again I was pushed onto my side.  This happened a few times before I either chose to give up or could no longer push myself back down. Laying on my side, staring at the pink floral print wallpaper, I felt an intense energy within my…
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My Chequered Past

I consider all the experiences where a ‘guide’ presented itself and I contemplate. It seems like a story I told myself to remember, remember where I am, who I am, and why I am here. The first time I was aware of a spirit who was soon to be known as always by my side, was at work, when I was 16. A co-worker said there was a man in a chequered shirt standing on my right. I wondered how she had seen him and noticed I was standing next to a plain blue wall, which may have given her…
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Rainbows and Good Fortune or a Kick up the Arse

I pulled my tarot cards off the shelf and gave them a quick shuffle with the intent of guidance to a current situation.  One by one I corresponded the meaning of the cards to the placement of the cards and resonated with each turn. I haven’t done a reading in years, I have not felt the need too.  I recall doing readings when I needed a little reassurance and although I knew in my heart what the message was going to be, I still did them anyway.  The readings were always decorated with rainbows and good fortune, so as time…
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The Web of Life

When mum and I’s cat, Charlie started to show her age, we had discussed her passing naturally and also by the means of the vets.  In the later stages, we knew she was uncomfortable, yet she continued to eat and purr, with the odd bad day.  Mum was alarmed as soon as she knew Charlie was in pain and my partner suggest I ask for help. When I asked for help, it poured in.  I saw our space of love that is like a dome over the land we live, and the top was emanating a pearlescent light, I saw…
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The Gravestone Carving

My partner had been thinking about a bone carving necklace that he had purchased naively from a friend for a box of beers in his youth.  He had admired the necklace around his friend’s neck and knew that there was a price on it, for it had not been carved for him, he had taken it from a gravestone.  Once it was in my partner's possession, his friend passed, and he lost the necklace. We were staying with my dear friend who has knowledge and wisdom of this land.  My partner had an opportunity arise to speak with him in…
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Blue Garden Orb

From savings seeds to eating with the seasons, gardening is rewarding.  Alongside the plants and the size of the garden growing, my knowledge and connection with the land grows too.  Having had a successful spring of seedlings sprout, I was tending to those ready to be transplanted into the garden during a new moon phase.  I was focusing on being present in what I was doing and started to ask for guidance on transplanting.  Wanting help and support to do the right thing in harmony with nature so that each plants roots would embrace their new home.  As I am…
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Colourful and Magical Fairy Wings

My favourite movies as a young child in the 80’s was the Disney collection.  Dwarfs, fairies, mermaids, talking animals, and magic made me believe that there was more to this place than meets the eye.  Grandad told me that Walt Disney was spiritual, and he created movies because he believed and saw such things in this realm.  If this statement was true, I do not know.  The truth is the memories of these movies stain my thoughts with colour and magic. My partner and I built a cabin on my parent’s lifestyle block and have embraced a new lifestyle.  When…
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Out of Body in the Garden of Eden

The first out of body experience that I remember was when I was 21.  I became aware that I was above my body which was sleeping, and that I was near the ceiling.  My attention was now on a beautiful green meadow and a large tree.  To the right of that tree, sitting on the ground was a woman wearing a white dress.  There was an illuminated glow around her body.  Animals were sitting or lying down around her.  I felt this place was perfect and in harmony, the colours, the glow, the landscape, and the woman, were all at…
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