Category: dream within a dream

  • Heaven on earth

    Heaven on earth

    The grand subject of this reality flows through my thoughts and one night settled on ‘heaven’.  With all my beingness I longed to see a glimpse of heaven.  The next morning, I recalled my dream to my partner, the clarity of the dream was not a daily general dream, it was a dream of knowledge…

  • Weeding Thoughts

    Weeding Thoughts

    At times, not random, from my thoughts, comes cause and effect.  Capturing this moment and deciding to change the cause from continuing, to no longer reinforce it, I use the symbolism from my soul’s consciousness that I have learnt through the studying of my dreams. How do you act upon the moment when you sense…

  • I am Listening

    I am Listening

    I am in a stage of development where I no longer outsource, I am using all that I have learnt and experienced and am applying it.  I learnt a long time ago, that when I wanted change, I would set it in motion through action and this resulted in the change.  I do not forecast…

  • The Gravestone Carving

    The Gravestone Carving

    My partner had been thinking about a bone carving necklace that he had purchased naively from a friend for a box of beers in his youth.  He had admired the necklace around his friend’s neck and knew that there was a price on it, for it had not been carved for him, he had taken…