Category: Personal Growth

  • Navigating True North

    Navigating True North

    When the needle of the compass broke on my voyage of life, I realised a multitude of things contributed to the cause and effect of losing my way.  I did not realise I was lost until after the fact and with the process of elimination, I threw the stuff overboard. And that was all it…

  • Grandad’s Wisdom

    Grandad’s Wisdom

    Author, Grandad, posted to my mum 21.07.2002, handed down to me 01.08.2023 and transcribed, (no editing). GETTING STARTED. TO HELP US ALL IN OUR DAILY LIVES WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH, BUT WE ALSO NEED SOMEWAY OF SORTING THAT TRUTH OUT. BELOW ARE 5 ITEMS OF TRUTH. When a question or problem comes, get…

  • The Butterfly Effect

    The Butterfly Effect

    My friend was inspired to write a story after I shared one of my articles with him.  In his story, he mentions how his childhood spiritual experiences started reappearing later in life, by someone mentioning something, or something happening that triggered the memory of the experience.  He then goes on to say how his childhood…

  • Accepting the Fate of My Integrity

    Accepting the Fate of My Integrity

    Maybe I feel uninspired, have a few bad omens, different options present themselves or decisions need to be made, whatever the situation, questioning my integrity, always helps.  I check in with my integrity as I move along my path, reminding myself of the original intention behind something I started or scanning a situation to see…