Dream Journey

Besides learning how dreams communicate, do you have questions about why and how?

Explore this page for all your other questions about dreams and if you have a question that I haven’t explored, email me.

There is information on the different types of dreams, the 3 layers of consciousness relating to the 3 layers of dreams, reoccurring dreams, dreamscapes that reoccur, bad dreams and nightmares and dreams that have messages and warnings.

Exploring the consciousness of dreams

Exploring my different dreams, I see that they fit into the concept of the 3 bodies and 3 conscious states – so I am using this terminology to relay my understanding of the planes of dreams.

The 3 bodies:

physical, astral, and soul

The 3 planes of consciousness:

consciousness, sub consciousness, and super consciousness

Connecting these bodies and states of consciousness to dreams:



daily dreams

Daily dreams explore the physical self;

the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pillars


sub consciousness 

dreams of growth

Dreams of growth explore the senses;

the thought, creativity and manifestation of the self and the collective


super consciousness

higher self dreams

Higher self dreams explore the immortal self;

the true self and true vision

Daily Dreams are of general life matters.

These dreams seem to be charged from emotions, thoughts and lessons.

The consciousness scans all of you, past, present and future and settles upon a matter where you can have personal growth.

May be a relationship that needs healing, a decision that you need to make, or confirmation that you are aligned with your integrity on a situation.  Whatever is brought to your attention is of importance and needs to be realised, understood or addressed.

If you want unfiltered, undistorted, first hand information, these dreams are your best tool.  You can use them to ‘go within’ and do ‘inner work’. 

Try seeing them from the viewpoint of being the inner reflection of you and your life.

These dreams will confront you, challenge you, inspire you and change you.

They deep dive into each situation exploring the matter from every angle, you can understand the emotions governing the circumstances, what and how previous positions are connected to the condition, and possible outcomes allowing you to make better-informed decisions.

You can be your own fortune teller and therapist, for an hour or 2 a week.

The time in recording, learning the language and studying your dreams is a commitment, and it is a rewarding one.

Dreams of Growth are for developing the senses.

Dreams of Growth lack distortions and are more stable within the dream.  The senses are heightened and contribute important perceptions to the message.  The detail is memorably clear to recall the entire dream.

They explore all of you, this life, past lives, your higher self, other people, the collective, and earth’s soul.

  • Philosophical contemplations influence the dream’s communication, whereby objective knowledge important for your spirit’s progression is explored and answered
  • Karma or ancestral connections that are influencing your life.
  • Another person’s general daily matters, their serious situations and forecasted futures.
  • The presence of someone other than you, maybe a guide or passed loved one.
  • Historical, present or possible futures of the collective such as a natural phenomena forecast.
  • Lucid dreaming, in some aspects we all lucid dream in all dreams whereby we think or influence the dream, lucid dreaming in this state of consciousness, is where the entire lucid experience is conducted by you.
  • False awakenings, this is where you think you have awoken, yet you then actually wake up.  Why do you think you experienced a false awakening?  Although I had experienced this many times, it wasn’t until I had 4 false awakenings in one experience that I grasped the concept that I was living in a dream within a dream.  This pushed me to use what I had learnt about dreams and use it for everything (visions, interactions, signs, etc).

Overall these types of dreams and experiences are broad, they are your connection to all that is connected to this physical plane.  When you have a dream that communicates knowledge that surpasses your conscious self, then you have had a dream of growth.  To experience these dreams and integrate their message into your life as personal growth, banking of knowledge or helping others, they are the treasure that comes with dreamwork.

Higher Self Dreams are beyond this illusion with true vision.

It is not a physical plane, yet it perceives itself to be more real.  The colours are rich and enhanced, and what is experienced is of clarity as if it is the true potential.  Here a grain of knowledge needed to turn a page in the book to start a new chapter for the highest good of oneself is had or understand the progression of my higher self.  This is where I understand where my soul’s progression is at.  It is just pure consciousness with true vision and clarity.

Different types of dreams
Crystal clear dreams

Dreamscape Sequels

Have you had dreams where the dreamscape is the same as another dream?

Maybe you have multiple dreams where the dreamscape is your childhood home, childhood suburb, your grandparent’s home or cousin’s childhood home?

Maybe you have multiple dreams of a place that does not resemble anything in your waking life, it only feels familiar, you know you have dreamt of the place before while you are within the dream or upon awakening.  This place can expand over the years to be your open-ended dream-crafted reality.

Having experienced all of the above, I felt there was a connection – and there is.

Some of the following may not resonate with you, as when you dream of your childhood home it may mean something different to what it means when I dream of mine.  This is why you are the best person to translate your dreams.

My intention in sharing this with you, is maybe this will inspire you to see how the dreamscapes that reoccur in your dreams intertwine with your life path.  So, find your dreamscape patterns and figure out why you are having dreams of reoccurring dreamscapes.

My findings…

My childhood home; my life path.

My childhood suburb; my life lessons.

My Grandads home; my spiritual journey.

My Parent’s home; my relationship with my partner.

My Aunties home; my foundations and perceptions.

And my open-ended dream-crafted reality; heart-centred journey.

If you have reoccurring dreamscapes of people’s homes, if it is their house physically or not, you dream-sense it is their house, if they are there or not, identify what they symbolise and then you will be able to connect what part of you is governing the situation the dream is about.  From, my experience, what each person symbolises, continues to be the same in each dream.

For example, I have a person who symbolises no integrity, so when their house is my dreamscape, then I am not using my integrity in the situation the dream is about.  See ‘Dreaming of People’ for more information.

Identifying your reoccurring dreamscapes is not only a great exercise, it also gives you a piece of the message upon awakening and helps you to understand the dream when you translate it.

You can also track your progress as the sequential dreams unfold.

Reoccurring Dreams

There are a few different types of reoccurring dreams, such as those associated with trauma, those that have elements that do not represent this physical plane or those where the dreamscapes are the same.

The reoccurring dreams I am concentrating on here are where the elements are similar or the same and when you have deciphered the dream the message is similar or the same.

For example, maybe you have had multiple dreams over the last few months or years of driving and having a car accident or being at home and discovering new rooms.

Isolate the common elements, whether these be the stage, people, animals, objects, actions or dialogue and start with what they are symbolising and/or reflecting from your waking life.

An example of mine, I am in a shop or department store and I either misplace, lose, or forget my wallet.

Isolating the common elements that reoccur in each dream; shop, the action of misplacing/losing/forgetting and my wallet.

*note the below suggestions are what each symbolised for me

Shop/department store – options.

Misplacing/losing/forgetting – misplaced, lost or forgetting.

Wallet – identity.

I was aware of the situation that this was connected to, I continually worked on it over that phase and I would have reoccurring dreams telling me the same thing in different ways and from different angles for me to understand the situation in its entirety and for me to figure out how to go about progressing on from this matter, and if I wavered, I was reminded again, today I confidently and firmly have my wallet with me at all times!

Until you translate one of these reoccurring dreams, begin to work on it in your own way and make changes, the dreams will continue to reoccur.  The best part about working on what the dream is about is having progression dreams.  Progression dreams are insightful, giving you updates, guidance and confirmation.

For example:

  • they will show you what part of the situation you may have missed or misinterpreted
  • what you need to keep working on
  • the layers to the situation
  • any underlying matters contributing to the matter
  • and they will congratulate you on your progress and when you may have slipped up and fallen back into old patterns.

I have heard and read instances where people dream of something destructive happening such as having a car accident and then it playing out in real life.  This is not to say dreaming of a car accident will result in one, yet whatever is affecting you to the extent you are dreaming of a car crash is symbolic of you having a violent collision on your life path.  If this manifests into a physical playout is the phenomena of consciousness.  

In regards to the car accident playing out in real life, I asked someone who had a reoccurring car crash dream and an actual physical car crash when the dreams ceased to continue ‘what had been happening on your life path that was destructive during that time?’, (because driving on a road alludes to direction or course of life path).  The response was ‘everything including a unhealthy relationship which was not dealt with or broken away from until after that crash and when life changes were made’ – this is common where a wake up call by disastrous elements in our life results in change.

Carl Jung wrote that a client of his kept dreaming of falling when he was rock climbing which ended up physically happening, he noted that this client was a frequent abseiler and did not make changes within his life during his time as his patient.

These reoccurring dreams are trying to get your attention and help you.

Maybe with the guidance of your dreams, you can lessen or change challenges or disastrous situations emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.

What do nightmares and bad dreams mean?
When dreams have messages and warnings.
Dreams about cleansing or ridding yourself of something.

Why not to dismiss a dream because last nights movie was in it

Yesterday can intertwine with the scene of your dreams, from that punnet of seedlings my mum gave me to the actor from the movie you watched last night.

Here is an example of mine.

In my waking life, I had picked up some seedlings from my mum. 

That night those seedlings were in my dream; I had the seedlings with me, and put them in a friend’s backyard, they were not there when I came back to get them, so I went to the market to get some more.

The dream was triggered by something I was processing at the time around my foundations and the punnet of seeds played their part by symbolising ‘new beginnings/ideas’.  The seedlings played their role very well!

Now this is where you can take my example and relate to where this has happened to you, like a movie you watched, maybe your dream had a scene from the movie or the actor was in your dream.  Identify what that character or actor symbolises and see how your dream incorporated last night’s movie into a scene in your dream. 

Dreams include all of you and your experiences, what you encounter along your life path, past present and future… including that billboard advert, something you saw in a shop, or that actor in last night’s movie.

Using Dreams to Improve the State of Mind

Using your dreams to explore your state of mind allows you to observe your thoughts, intentions, and actions. 

Each dream will show you a scene that you can use as an observational tool, to observe yourself.  Maybe there was something you overlooked or failed to see originally in waking life that your dream exposes. 

The mind can appear through symbols like hats, hair accessories, the hair, the sky, air, and a house.

From the entire dream scene through to the message of the dream, you can observe and understand your mental processes, patterns, and quality and choose how you want to improve the state of your mind.

In the book, The Self Perfected State by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, he writes how one should try to discover their own true condition stripped of all the self-deceptions and falsifications that the mind creates. 

One way to discover one’s true condition is to become aware of oneself by observing oneself. 

The scene of your dream is a perfect observational tool, giving you a visual and sensory show of yesterday’s situation or a problem, you have.

Your mind creates your beliefs, attitude, and limitations,

By discovering all the limits that I created for myself I see that duality and conditioning are where they stemmed from.  To overcome them, I identified that they never helped me in the past, so, they will not help me in the present and now if they arise, I no longer feed them.

The Self Perfected State explores the principle of observing without judgment.  So when an emotion arises such as anger I neither block nor transform it, I observe it without judgment, and this has led to the emotion dissolving before being acted out.  This can also be termed as the present moment.

The present moment being the state of mind between perceiving something and the reasoning mind.  The goal is to remain in this state of presence and not follow the thoughts of judgment and reasoning.

The present moment is not limited to no thoughts, it is also when thoughts arise without interruption, so there is movement or are the thoughts are of purity.

How you improve the health of your mind will unfold naturally for you and a great observational tool is the scene of your dreams that is then supported by a message to guide you to a healthier and happier state of mind.

Dreaming about your physical health

Dreams can help you understand your physical health by showing you what the problem is, the cause, and suggestions on how to rectify it.

Just as your dreams explore your spiritual, mental, and emotional pillars, they also explore the physical pillar.

From overindulging to a reoccurring issue, you can dream of it, and if you want to know about something, just ask.

Because of the multiple layers that contribute to our physical health, can I suggest keeping an open mind to not only foodstuff and external influences but also stressors, emotions, and thought patterns.

Let’s go over two examples, overindulgence and physical health conditions.

Overindulgence dreams may use exaggeration, the overplay is a great way to understand what is being conveyed.

For example, I have a sensitivity to too much dairy, one night I dreamt of serving a soft serve into a 4ft ice cream cone.

In the book titled ‘Dreams’ by Percy G Stiles printed in 1927, he writes:

“There had been immoderate indulgence in buttered popcorn. In the dream, the various rooms of the house were found disfigured by deposits of grease.  A striking detail remembered was an electric light which with its shade was completely enveloped in a mass of what appeared to be lard.”

Any dreams that have foodstuff or in some way could relate to food like grease, are worth paying attention to.

In regards to physical health conditions, these are insightful, giving you a 360-degree view of the matter.

A few years back, I had a period of waking up stiff and sore, and a dream about a bedside table dancing rigidly and then becoming loose and flexible was translated for me to understand that I needed to do stretches in the morning and within a few days of doing these the rigidness subsided.

Mr Stiles in the book ‘Dreams’ also wrote of a dream about a dull stomach ache,

“An oddly inflated cat was seen by the dreamer, at first with amusement but presently with disquiet.  The animal was tossed up from the floor in a series of little rebounds such as a football might have shown.  What was at first taken to be playfulness was shortly recognized to indicate distress.

Waking, the recorder found that his own abdominal walls were uncomfortably tense; he had a prosaic stomachache.”

The reason for a bedside table or a cat being used within the dream is subjective to each individual dreamer.  Your dream will use elements that you can associate with so you understand the message, and unless it is a dream about someone else or a premonition, it will relate to something in your current waking life.

Also, take note of how you perceived the scene because your observational thoughts of a scene playing out, just like the guy observing the cat, is where you are thinking within a dream, going through a process of reasoning and this information adds to the message of the dream.

Dream elements that may be in a dream about your physical health could be:

Medical professionals, services, and buildings.

Natural Health professionals, services, and buildings.

Foodstuffs, medicine, supplements, and plants.

A vehicle and car parts.

Body and body parts.

Dreams about your physical health give you the opportunity to understand what you may not have known or to confirm something for you, hopefully, you get a suggestion on a remedy or solution, and if you want to know about something going on with your physical health, ask before you go to sleep.

Explore different categories of dream elements