
Explore and dance the rhythm of this illusion,
be at one with all planes of consciousness,
and become a lucid dreamer in waking life.

Totems presenting in visions and dreams can serve to support and encourage our life efforts.

Dreamscapes open our consciousness to the formerly hidden keys to unlocking the awake-state daily confoundments which trouble our mind and muddy the clarity of choices and decision-making.

Our paths are more defined through the messages of dreams and visions, and the wisdom Grandmother Earth continually attempts to lay before our every footfall along our long, twisting life trails.

The Singing Web, Mary Summer Rain

Visual experiences

Have you ever seen something that looks like it’s in this physical plane, yet you know it’s not?

Both day and night, the physical eye can see something that is not truly here in the physical sense. 

There are different concepts to ponder with each visual experience, depending on the nature of it.

Have you tried contemplating your visual experiences from the angle of them being a manifestation from within?

From this angle, you can explore what was being shown, maybe a reflection of yourself or an answer to a recent philosophical question.

This concept may not be truly what took place, yet you may find the contemplation insightful.

To do this, try re-observing the visual experience to gain the detail you need to see the symbolism.

The symbolism will then unravel a message for you.

Things to consider; are all the different angles of what you experienced to truly understand the symbolism.  No one thing has one meaning, use your association and knowledge first, then if needed do research that is not based on someone else’s perspective, nor just information that is regurgitated and also consider the dualistic condition of the experience.

For example, I awoke one morning to seeing astronaut boots on the chest, I tried arousing my partner telling him that there were ‘moon boots’ on the chest, he just mumbled and continued to sleep as I observed them.  That morning, he simply said, maybe you went astral travelling.

Bingo!  Before going to bed the night before I had been contemplating if I astral travel even when I do not remember it, well those moon boots were the answer.

Sometimes a visual can have multiple elements to it where you need to look at multiple components and their individual meanings to understand the entire visual experience.

For example, I once saw an animal that had different parts from different animals.  Using each animal, the part of each animal used and the area it was used to make up the one animal, I unravelled a message that reflected me and who I am, like the animal was a reflection of myself.

Not only can you use this method to contemplate your visions, but you can use this to understand your dreams and this physical plane. 

There is a universal language that we interact with all the time, it is the language of the world’s soul.

If you learn to view your interactions throughout the day, such as incidences, synchronicities, and signs using this universal language, you can understand the world’s soul is communicating all the time.

If the reflection model doesn’t make sense to a visual experience you had, that is okay, maybe you need to learn something else in order to understand it, and with time, the experience may come full circle or maybe the reflection model does not fit at all, as all experiences don’t fit neatly into one box, each experience is expanding your awareness and creates contemplations that questions reality.

The universal language that visions, dreams, nature and your daily life use is a beautiful and harmonious symphony.

Think back to one of your manifestations using this universal language and see if it opens up a message you had not seen before.

Using dreams to improve the state of mind

Using your dreams to explore your state of mind allows you to observe your thoughts, intentions, and actions. 

Each dream will show you a scene that you can use as an observational tool, to observe yourself.  Maybe there was something you overlooked or failed to see originally in waking life that your dream exposes. 

The mind can appear through symbols like hats, hair accessories, the hair, the sky, air, and a house.

From the entire dream scene through to the message of the dream, you can observe and understand your mental processes, patterns, and quality and choose how you want to improve the state of your mind.

In the book, The Self Perfected State by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, he writes how one should try to discover their own true condition stripped of all the self-deceptions and falsifications that the mind creates. 

One way to discover one’s true condition is to become aware of oneself by observing oneself. 

The scene of your dream is a perfect observational tool, giving you a visual and sensory show of yesterday’s situation or a problem, you have.

Your mind creates your beliefs, attitude, and limitations,

By discovering all the limits that I created for myself I see that duality and conditioning are where they stemmed from.  To overcome them, I identified that they never helped me in the past, so, they will not help me in the present and now if they arise, I no longer feed them.

The Self Perfected State explores the principle of observing without judgment.  So when an emotion arises such as anger I neither block nor transform it, I observe it without judgment, and this has led to the emotion dissolving before being acted out.  This can also be termed as the present moment.

The present moment being the state of mind between perceiving something and the reasoning mind.  The goal is to remain in this state of presence and not follow the thoughts of judgment and reasoning.

The present moment is not limited to no thoughts, it is also when thoughts arise without interruption, so there is movement or are the thoughts are of purity.

How you improve the health of your mind will unfold naturally for you and a great observational tool is the scene of your dreams that is then supported by a message to guide you to a healthier and happier state of mind.

Interconnecting dreams into your day

Reentering a dream

Asking your dreams questions

Why ask your dreams questions

A dream that lead me on a spiritual journey

‘Urania’ published in 1890 by French Astronomer and Author, Camille Flammarion

In the book ‘Urania’ published in 1890 by French Astronomer and Author, Camille Flammarion, there is an account of an incident in which two men experience a physical phenomenon that is later understood to connect with another gentleman’s dream. Suggesting that the dreamer was subconsciously influencing the phenomena while in the dream state.

Enjoy this story and your contemplation of the connection between dreams and physical reality.

Sir Robert Bruce, belonging to the illustrious Scotch family of that name, was mate of a vessel. One day, when sailing near Newfoundland, and while busy with his calculations, he thought he saw the captain seated at his desk, but looked at him attentively, and noticed that it was a stranger, whose cold, fixed look surprised him.  He went on deck; the captain noticed his surprise and asked him what it meant.

‘Who is at your desk?” Asked Bruce. 

“No one.”

“Yes, there is someone there.  Is it a stranger; and how did he come there?”

“You are either dreaming or joking.”

“Not at all.  Come down and see for yourself.”

They go down to the cabin, but there is no one at the desk.  The ship is thoroughly searched, but no stranger is found.

“And yet the man I saw was writing on your slate; the writing must be there still,” said he to the captain.

They looked at the slate; it bore these words “Steer to the northwest.”

“This must be your writing, or some one’s else on board the ship.”

“No; I did not write it.”

Everyone was told to write the same sentence, and no handwriting resembled that on the slate.

“Very well,” said the captain; “we will obey these instructions and steer the ship to the northwest; the wind is right, and will admit of our trying the experiment.”

Three hours later, the watch perceived an ice- berg, and near it a vessel from Quebec, headed for Liverpool, dismantled, and covered with people.  They were brought off by boats of Bruce’s vessel.  As one of the men was climbing up the side of the rescuing vessel, Bruce started, and drew back in great agitation.  He recognized the stranger whom he had seen tracing the words on the slate. He reported the strange incident to the captain.

“Will you write ‘ Steer to the northwest ‘ on this slate ?” asked the captain, turning to the new-comer, and offering the side which bore no writing.

The stranger complied with his request, and wrote the desired words.

“Will you acknowledge that to be your ordinary handwriting?” asked the captain, struck with the similarity of the two sentences.

“Of course; how can you doubt it?  You saw me write it yourself.”

As a reply, the captain turned the slate over, and the stranger was amazed to see his own writing on both sides. 

“Did you dream of writing on that slate?” said the Quebec captain to the man who had just been writing.

“No, —at least I have no remembrance of doing so.”

“What was that passenger doing at noon?” Asks the rescuer of his brother captain.

“The passenger was very tired, and had fallen into a sound sleep, as near as I remember, a little before twelve o’clock.  An hour or more later he awoke, and said to me, ‘Captain, we shall be saved this very day; ‘ adding, ‘ I dreamed that I was on board a vessel coming to our relief.’ He described the ship and its rigging, and we were very much surprised, when you headed for us, to recognize the exactness of the description.”

After a while the passenger said, “It is very strange, but somehow this ship seems quite familiar to me, and yet I was never on it before.”