I learnt that numbers in my dreams reflect this physical realm, as if this physical realm is built on numbers or did we look for a mathematical construct and find one.
Time and dates will show you a forecast for a specific date or period, an upcoming event, or show a message using these elements…
- Dreaming of numbers
- How numbers can overlap and intermix with each other
- Other perspectives on the meaning of numbers
- Dreaming of time and dates
- Numbers, times, and dates from different angles and all calculations, when there is an overlap or double meanings with numbers, times and dates.
- Time used to show you a message
Sit with the time, date or numbers for a moment and allow for different calculations to be made and see what fits.
Is the message showing you that you have a pivotal change in 6 months or how your perception of time is not helping you?
When a time frame or date is highlighted, it could be a time to be grateful for the guidance!
Dreaming of numbers
Numbers can present themselves in many different ways.
Maybe you dream of 2 or 3 of something, for example, 2 women, 2 sewing machines, 2 toilets, 3 products, 3 dead ends, etc.
I suggest, if numbers are common in your dreams like mine, have a list that you can add notes to, of how they appeared and what your translation was. Starting with 0-10 and adding when you dream of a higher number will give you your own database to identify a common trend of what each number symbolises for you.
When I decided, I was going to do a video and this page, I knew that your background; religion, beliefs, personal knowledge, experiences, etc, would contribute to the reason why you dream of numbers.
As numbers were commonly scattered throughout my dreams, I needed to know what they meant. I dream of many different numbers in a variety of ways, and the numbers 2,3,4, and 5 are more prevalent, so I learned pretty quickly what these specific ones meant and then I was able to piece together the rest by studying my dreams.
I did a little research on numbers for this video as I was wondering how numbers are a part of the collective and I found that there are sometimes similarities between scriptures and collective numbering systems, other times conflict and then there are meanings that are random.
*Note, since writing this, I have come across two sources with suggestions on numbers that may be of interest. See Other perspectives on the meaning of numbers.
I do feel that whatever system you believe or know could give you insight as to why a number appeared in your dream. As I am a blank slate with no prior religious background, I see numbers as a system we collectively created, and the numbers as a reflection of us.
When a number appears, it is not always defined by this numbering system I am sharing. For example, 4 can represent both my suggestion below or it can represent ‘celebration’, as it is my birthday. Other times they can throw a curve ball and not be the suggestions below or have a dual aspect of both the suggestions below and another meaning. For example, a friend of mine dreamt of 6 tomatoes, 5 all the same size and 1 larger – these translated to represent her siblings and her, and this was not learnt until a few days later after a waking life event. Another example is 3 dead ends in a dream which could represent the number 3 or maybe you have 3 opportunities in waking life, that you think are or are going nowhere.
I am going to go over my personal translations for individual numbers from 0-10, which was self-learnt through studying my dreams, I learnt that numbers reflect this physical realm, as if this physical realm is built on numbers or did we look for a mathematical construct and find one.
The below suggestions only apply when the number is meant to be seen as a number. When a number is connected with another element within the dream, the meaning of each element will give you information about what is being symbolised.
0 Starting point, unmanifested or nil, something unproductive
All proceeds from this, is it a starting point of something unmanifested, the beginning of something or is it representing nothing, nil, something unproductive.
1 Oneness and great spirit
Oneness and unity or universal divine essence and creator of all that is
2 Duality, balance, unity, opposites, weakness, indecisiveness
Duality and opposites; female and male, yin and yang, etc. Everything in life has an opposite, and to understand duality is to have balance and unity, and with balance and unity is wisdom. Here is where two may show you where you need to find balance or be balanced in regard to a dual aspect, like an emotion or character quality. Or maybe two may be showing you need unity with an aspect or situation or already do have unity.
Duality means the quality or condition of being dual and an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something.
English Dictionary
If the number two shows up more than once throughout one dream, see if each appearance is connected, giving you more of an understanding of the duality that is being explored within the dream.
For example, I dreamt of asking a lady two questions, then later someone gave me two nail polishes, then near the end of the dream I saw two homeless people – these were all related and showing me how I needed to improve on a an area of weakness around a situation. So, if two appears in your dream, is it showing you a weakness in duality.
Another way two can be translated is to symbolize indecisiveness. Is there something you are being indecisive about in waking life?
Identify why two was dreamt of by seeing any angles and use the one that fits the rest of the message of the dream.
3 One essence
The three bodies, corporeal, soul and spirit. When I mentioned to my partner why three appeared in my dreams, he responded that my understanding was like the trinity in the bible, the father, son and the holy spirit. I see three as a message to bring forth all of me, my force, my inner self.
4 Physical plane
The physical plane, nature has a common thread of fours, four seasons, four elements, four directions, etc. When four appears in my dream it is either about my physical body like a health related issue or it is about this physical plane, maybe answering a contemplation or question I have pondered on.
5 Man, change, midway, marriage (unity)
Man, you and I, five senses, five digits, the pentagon representing man upright, etc. Five is also midway between 1-10, so it is a point where you can assess your progress and your direction, a point of temptation and change, freedom and discipline.
6 Wisdom
Man plus the 6th sense. Three doubled, or the spirit added to the human number five. A good strong number of vision and acceptance.
7 Whole self
Spiritual number, sacred and perfection. A combination of three and four is the whole self and nature, reminding us to be open and trust.
8 Cause and effect
Referring to a balanced mind and seeing the self reflect life.
9 Productive path
The strength of the three tripled, bringing things to an end and preparing for a new manifestation. Symbolising a productive path, integrity and wisdom.
10 Completion and closure
How numbers can overlap and intermix with each other
For example, I dreamt of a guy entering 1111 on the keypad to get into a house, and this dream highlighted that I needed to be centred and connected with the divine essence, ones, and times four was related to being this way in this physical plane.
Another example, I dreamt of somebody’s name being repeated three times, it was the name of a person whom I associate with ‘going within and not outsourcing’. This dream highlighted that I needed to go within using 2 different elements that symbolise going within.
Another example, I dreamt of being at an airport with an ex-colleague, we were checking in to depart and were guided to go through a different area from everyone else, I knew it was Area 10, yet I didn’t know where it was. Later in the dream, my colleague chose three pairs of slip-on fashion shoes, that were flat-packed together. This dream highlighted to complete an aspect of my path I needed to walk the path of three.
Another example, I dreamt of looking at the shoe section in a thrift shop, there was a pair of black high heels that had touches of pink on them and they were in good condition, I loved them, and they were $2. This dream used $2 for two reasons, for the affordability symbolising that I have the means for this path (shoes) and that my thoughts that I do not are my weakness (two).
Everything within your dream has significance. Look at the numbers from different angles and take into consideration all calculations to have all the information that the dream is conveying.
For example, my Mum dreamt of a cliff collapsing and my dad being buried by the rubble, she saw 3 fingers and went over to check he was still alive. To her, the 3 fingers were just a part of the dream to show where he was under the rubble and that he was still alive, yet the significance of three was a part of the message of the dream.
Other perspectives on the meaning of numbers
The Lost Scriptures of Giza: Enoch and the Origin of the World’s Oldest Texts by Jason Breshears.
Jason ends his book with ‘Apocalypse of Matthias the Scribe’, and amongst this text is a section on numbers. I was unable to find the original source so I have extracted this from Jason’s book.
- By numbers is wisdom measured.
- And one is the number of the Mighty; two is of perfect union, binding together, and of guardians and things guarded;
- Three be a pure number, of unity in spirit and allegiance; four is of things on earth and of worldly dominion;
- Five has the power to divide and yet be whole;
- Six be the number of man and the images of God, the sum of creative powers and divine forethought;
- Seven is of things divine and of perfection;
- And eight is of the beginning, for when seven pass does divine appointment begin anew;
- But in nine lies judgment for iniquity, and nine is the number of those that have fallen short of the path, an evil sum;
- And ten is the holy sum, the number of a thing built by the Creator, the number of completion and wholeness;
- But in ten and one is disorder and emptiness, the number of them that are blind and lost, the sowers of chaos;
- And ten and two is holy, twice the number of man, for it is the sum of those in service to Jah, and is the number of testimony as signs in the heavens;
- But ten and three be of rebellion against Him, and of disillusionment, a sum of evil;
- And greater secrets numbers conceal than these. But let him with wisdom understand these words, for these be words unveiled in numbers.
- A score was hidden in paradise, the ancient number of knowledge;
- A score and four is the sum of those in service to the Arbiter of this world;
- Two score be trial and testing, and take heed to this mystery! In two score ten times a thousand thousands be the number of the stars of knowing that kept not their first estate.
- When this number is made complete shall all things come to pass.
Symbols, Sex, and the Stars by Ernest Busenbark
Represents unity, origin, the source of all things. It is identified with the point and is thus a unit having position and magnitude. Identified with reason (intellect) because it is unchangeable.
In one sense two signifies male and female, father and mother, the cause of increase and division. It is identified with opinion because it is unlimited and indeterminate. On the principle that the universe consists of a dual system in which all existence is composed of pairs of opposites, this figure is considered a female or negative symbol. As the Zoroastrians interpreted this idea, the universe was divided between the two spirits of good and evil called “the twins which were in the beginning”. In India the same thought is expressed in the doctrine that all existence is resolved into Brahma and Maya, being and appearance, reality and illusion.
Is identified with creation and resurrection or renewal, the third member of the trinity. The pantheons of nearly all nations were presided over by three superior gods, or by gods grouped in triads of related deities. (As in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylonia, Persia, India, China, Japan, etc.) Three is identified with the triangle by which the deity was symbolized everywhere. The ineffable name of the Jews was depicted in a triangle with each of the three letters JHV representing a different phase of his being or manifestation, and the three-branched letter Shin was inscribed on the phylacteries which were worn by the Israelites. It is the number of the whole because it has a beginning, a middle and an end. It also signifies the 3 vertical divisions of the universe: heaven, earth, and the subterranean waters which, in the Babylonian system, were ruled by Anu, Bel, and Ea. Three is the number of knowledge, music, geometry, and astronomy; the essence. of celestial and terrestrial forces.
The primordial number and the root of all things; the foundation of nature and the most perfect number. As 2 represents the line and 3 represents the surface, 4 is identified with the solid. This number typifies the cube and square, consequently it is the sign for all mathematical combinations. It is related to the organic world, as three is related to the spiritual world, and represents organization and dominion. Because of its many attributes Pythagoreans gave 4 special values beyond its ordinary meaning.
Four is associated with justice because it is the first square number, the product of equals. Is identified with the material world and its divisions; the 4 corners and 4 winds of the earth, the 4 rivers of Eden and the 4 rivers of the old Babylonian mythology. The mysterious Pythagorean Tetractys or 4 rows of dots increasing from 1 to 4 was symbolic of the stages of creation. To add a row of dots gives the next “triangular” number with 5 on a side and so on, showing that the sum of any number of the series of natural numbers beginning with 1 is a triangular number. The sum of any number of the series of odd numbers, beginning with 1, is similarly seen to be a square, that is 3 and 5 added successively to 1 each give a figure of this kind. In the case of even numbers the sum of any number, beginning with 2, makes an oblong. The Tetractys was probably associated with the four lettered word for the Jewish divine name JHVH. By adding 4 to the preceding numbers 1, 2, and 3, Pythagoras produced 10 which is the consummation of the Decad and the number of completeness. It was formerly the arrangement of soldiers in Chinese military tactics.
Represents marriage because it is the union of the first masculine and first feminine numbers 3 and 2 (unity not being considered a number). Among the Greeks it was a symbol of light, health and vitality. It is called the equilibrium because it divides the perfect number into 2 parts. Other numbers multiplied by themselves produce other numbers. Only 5 and 6 multiplied by themselves represent and retain their original numbers as the last figure in their products.
Five is identified with fixed traditions; with order and law, both divine and earthly. It is an important number among the Chinese to whom custom and law carry great force. The Hindus and Chinese recognize 5 as the number of qualities: 5 virtues, 5 basic forms, 5 senses, 5 elements, 5 colors, etc. To the Israelites it was the number of military organization.
Is the number of completion, typified by the 6 days in which the world was created and symbolized by the Jewish 6-pointed Star of David, and the Chakra, or Wheel of Vishnu. In both the East and the West a belief long persisted that the history of the world would be divided into 6 ages after which would come destruction and renewal of the world on a higher plane.
To Pythagoras, 6 represented the perfection of all the parts, the form of forms. It sometimes appears as a symbol of marriage because it is formed of two triangles, one masculine, one feminine. It is identified with time as the measure of duration and is a key number in ancient calendar systems.
It represents health because it is the balance number both calendrically and symbolically.
The number 6 is associated with work, effort, and creative energy, both human and divine.
One of the most venerated and most magical of numbers, the number par excellence among the nations of antiquity. Pythagoras called it “the vehicle of life”. It contains body and soul, spirit and matter, since it contains the triangle and the square. In the Bible, 7 is the number of the holy or divine day. All of the great festivals are related to 7 days, weeks or years. In the East 7 is associated with oaths or covenants. The divine mysteries and the activities of the Holy Spirit are 7 in number. Most of the associations of 7 have reference to some direct relation of the divine and human. It is therefore the number of religion. It is called the number of life because of the belief that 7 month babies usually live while those born in the 8th month do not. It is sometimes called a virgin number be cause it is the only number between 1 and 10 which cannot · be produced by either dividing or multiplying another number. It has been called motherless and fatherless; and virgin, or Minerva, because it was not born of a mother but was generated out of the crown or back of the father, the mind. Seven is an important lunar number identified with Ishtar, Aphrodite, Virgin Mary, and other holy mothers.
Is identified with the cube because it has 8 corners. It is the only wholly even number under 10 ( 1 x 2 x 4 =8 = 4 x 2 x 1); that is, 8 is divided by 2 4’s, each 4 is divided into 2 2’s and 2 is divided into 2 l’s. Eight is identified with man’s elevation to a higher life or his deliverance from the evils of the present life. On the 8th day came the final act in the sacred drama which was part of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Clement of Alexandria said, “Those in whom there is no guile do not remain in the 7th, the place of rest but, are promoted to the heritage of the divine beneficence which is the 8th grade”. Some of the early Church fathers thought there were 7 gradations in heaven and that the highest place was with the father in the 8th.
In the Jewish scriptures, 8 is associated with salvation, purification, and cleansing. There were 8 persons saved in Noah’s ark; circumcision took place on the 8th day; 8 days were required for the purification of women. The Feast of Tabernacles was on the 8th day. Eight is connected with the Chinese tradition of the Deluge and is an important number in their cosmogony. It is called the little holy number.
Is the first square of an odd number (3 x 3) and sometimes appears as a ratio of a mystic 3 times 3. It is short of the perfect number 10. It is looked upon as an evil number because it is an inverted 6. In the Eleusinian Mysteries it was the number of the sphere through which the consciousness passed on its way to birth. It is the number of the ruling and controlling government of God, and the number of man because of the 9 months of his embryonic life. It is also deemed the limit less number because there is nothing beyond it but the infinite 10, and it is identified with the ocean and horizon because they are boundless.
Completes the symbolic alphabet of numbers and denotes completeness and finality. Pythagoras considered it “the perfect number”. It represents the deity, man, and the universe because it contains the sum of the 4 prime numbers, includes all mathematical and musical proportions and defines the system of the world. The Decad is called both heaven and the world because the former includes the latter. It was used by Pythagoreans to denote things concerning age, power, faith, and necessity and was considered unwearied because it was tireless. The Pythagoreans divided the heavenly bodies into 10
orders. The Iota, “Jot” or Yod is the 10th letter in the Hebrew alphabet and is sometimes used as a symbol of Jahveh. It is the first letter of the name of Jesus, therefore the number and letter were his sacred symbols. The symbolic use of this letter may be observed in the Apostolic Constitution (Ante-Nicene Lib., p. 58): “Thou hast known the Decade and hast believed in the Iota, the first letter of the name of Jesus”. The letter X, which stands for Christ, represents, in the Greek alphabet, the number 600, the number of years in the reign of each Avatar or Savior in India.
Many of the early fathers of the Christian Church believed that numbers were frequently used in the Bible in a symbolic or esoteric sense. Jerome observed that in the Old Testament the number of Books according to the Jewish divisions ( 5 Books of the Law: 8 Books of the Prophets: 9 Books of the Hagiographa) equaled exactly the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. There are 5 double letters in the Hebrew alphabet and there are 5 double Books in the Bible, namely 2 Samuels, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, 2 Ezras (which we call Ezra and Nehemiah), and 2 Jeremiahs (which we call Jeremiah and Lamentations). The fact that part of the Book of Proverbs (Chapter 31: 10,31), the whole of Lamentations and Psalms 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, and 155 are acrostics founded on the Hebrew alphabet led Jerome to suppose that there was some mystery in the 22 letters from which are formed all of the words connected with the Scriptures. The Jews always considered their alphabet to be a divine invention and much significance was seen in the fact that there were 22 generations from Adam to Jacob: in the first 6 days of the world there were 22 acts of creation (Book of Jubilees 2:2,22), and observance of the Sabbath began at the close of the twenty-second generation.
Dreaming of time and dates
Time and dates will show you a forecast for a specific date or period, an upcoming event, or show a message using these elements.
This could be presented as a clock, calendar, appointment book, rosters, timetables, specific holidays, seasons, day, night, specific meal of the day, going to work or leaving, tickets, etc.
Clocks can show you a specific month according to the hour of the clock or symbolise being early, on time, or late. The time could be broken down, by taking each individual number at face value or by adding the numbers together to create one number.
Calendars or appointment books can be specific dates and so can lotto ticket numbers.
For example, I dreamt of a person who appears in my dreams that represents family, they won the lotto and I saw the winning numbers. Of course, I bought a lotto ticket using those numbers and it wasn’t until after an event a few months later where I had a significant day with my best friends that I realised the numbers were the date of that day.
Specific holidays, seasons, day or night and a specific meal of the day could symbolise a stage or period.
Christmas alludes to a spiritual period
New Year alludes to a celebration
Your birthday alludes to a celebration unless you associate another feeling with your birthday.
Spring alludes to a new beginning and new growth
Summer alludes to a productive time and being fruitful
Sunrise alludes to a new beginning
Nighttime alludes to the later stages of an aspect
Lunch alludes to midway
General guidance
Premonitions can include numbers, times and dates.
For example, I dreamt of going to a place north of where I was staying in waking life, ordering a burger and the ticket number was 18. In waking life accepted the dream as guidance and made the trip north on the 18th which was a few days after the dream, the only eatery was a takeaway bar where I ordered a burger, and the events that unfolded after were a series of dreams guiding me along a 6 month journey of growth travelling in my campervan.
Forecast of an upcoming event
My dreams forecast 6 months out at certain pivotal points in my life where change is going to occur and without any foreknowledge of the information revealed in the dream, the events play out true to their timing revealed in the dreams.
The first time this happened.
I dreamt of finding out I had to move as the owner of the rental was selling and when I asked when, ‘January’ was the reply, and I thought of how that was 6 months away. This dream was bang on, although the setting and characters were different from waking life, this move happened according to the house owner selling which was not discussed with me until January.
Guidance with an upcoming period
I dreamt of unpacking and tidying my stuff in our home and thought of how we had been here for 6 months, I then counted the months from the month it was in waking life, from February to June and realised that it was 5 months. The individual numbers 6 and 5 played their part in the message of the dream as wisdom will be earned with change. The rest of the dream suggested resting over these months before I will be busy. With a supporting partner, I rested, and mediated for hours most days, giving myself the space that I needed to seed this platform and then this platform was born in June, with no prior thought of doing such a thing.
Guidance with an area of your life
You could dream about your new project, job, business, situation, etc.
For example, I had been wondering about the future audience of this platform in waking life and I dreamt of being the new owner of a café where a woman customer was asking what time I opened in the morning, ‘6:30 am’, I responded, feeling so joyful she liked the place and was returning, with a slight hope she would be there at 6:30, she told me she would be here at 5 to 7. This dream highlighted that although I was ready, I needed to continue to prepare and present the platform (clearing and cleaning the tables and preparing the cafe for tomorrow), as the audience would arrive soon after I had started. The overlap with the specific time and the individual numbers also added more information to the message of the dream. This dream settled my questioning and allowed me to bring myself back to the beginning of why I am doing this, and to hold that value at all times.
Next time you see, think, hear or say a specific date, month or period, is it highlighting a true time in your future for you to do what you need to do between now and then or know of a future event?
Numbers, times, and dates from different angles and all calculations, when there is an overlap or double meanings with numbers, times, and dates.
For example, I dreamt of an alarm clock saying 6:53, upon translation, I saw this was minutes away from 7 and what 7 means to me fitted into the message of the dream, then I realised that 6:53 was 7 minutes to 7 and this then completed the message.
Another example, I dreamt of it being the end of a work day and saw that it was 20 past 5, and I finished at 5 p.m. This related to me getting carried away with work-related things in waking life and the individual numbers of two and five added to the message of the dream showing me a weakness and change was needed to find a balance between work and living.
Running the different calculations example:
You dreamt it was 12pm, is this highlighting you are midway with something, about your physical lunch meal, about what you are internally digesting such as information, or in reference to what the number 12 means to you?
Time can also be used to show you a message
Maybe you need to find time for something, have been wasting time on something, are running out of time for something or you need to have patience around something and you do have time, all of these scenarios can be shown in your dream by using time and dates.
For example, I dreamt of being late for something, I was going to work, and I had time to get ready, then I looked at the clock and I had less than 10 minutes to get there, I knew I was not going to make it. This related to something from my waking life where the message of the dream helped me to understand the situation better and make healthier decisions and changes for personal growth.
Take note of how the time presented itself as the style of the timepiece can give you more to the message. Was it your watch or diary, or someone else’s, this could help you understand how time is affecting you, if it is someone else’s clock, are you feeling pressured externally by time and what does the person symbolise?
A clock on the wall alludes to it being prominent for you to see and be conscious of time in some way.
Grandfather clock alludes to something of importance, maybe something old, like your past, or it is a reminder to be wise with your time.