Dreaming of transportation and travel alludes to your movement along your path. The type of vehicle, the condition of the vehicle, the different vehicle parts, who was driving, how the vehicle was driven, the directions taken, where each person was sitting, the departure, the journey, surrounding landscape and places and the destination, the ground/road and its condition, other travelling objects, actions, and dialogue will all add to the message of the dream. Identify if the scene is showing a positive or negative angle.
- Dreaming of driving overview
- Dreaming of a vehicle
- Dreaming about the condition of the car
- Dreaming of car parts
- Dreaming of driving
- Dreaming of people in the car
- Dreaming of a road
- Dreaming of travelling items
- Dreaming of the airport
Dreaming of driving overview
- Vehicles will symbolise what they are used for in waking life.
- The car can represent either the physical body, a matter on your path or your life path in general.
- The condition of the vehicle, and the vehicle parts, will show the state of the matter.
- How the vehicle is driven will show you how you are controlling the matter.
- Whoever is driving the vehicle will be representing an aspect involved or in control in the matter. Was it you, someone else or no one?
- Where you and each person are sitting will help you understand other aspects involved in the matter.
- The direction taken will show you where and how things have gone or are going.
- The departure location, the journey, the surrounding landscape and places and the destination will give you an overview of the steps in the matter.
- The condition of the ground/road will identify the state of the course.
- All the details of the scene including the travelling objects, actions and dialogue will add extra information to the message of the dream.
Dreaming of a vehicle
Dreaming of a particular vehicle can give you more details about your movement along your path.
From where the journey started, the journey itself and the destination should suggest the course, identify if the scene is showing you a positive or negative angle. The details of the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle, the driver, other people, any objects, the actions and the dialogue will all contribute to the message of the dream.
Bus alludes to an aspect that includes many others on a fixed course.
Double decker bus alludes to an aspect that includes the masses on a fixed course. The second story will add to what the double decker bus symbolises, for example, were you positioned on the second story and what did you experience during that scene.
School bus alludes to a route of learning something. The school grade suggests the level of learning.
Train alludes to a fast-paced course with stops along the way, a rigid path with no detours that many others take.
Bicycle alludes to balance.
Mountain bike alludes to either extra effort needed along a harder path, or you have the ability for the harder path ahead of you.
Scooter alludes to a practical yet not experienced enough method of movement along the path.
Motorcycle alludes to freedom and efficiency.
Car alludes to the physical body or path. Representing movement, direction, and progress along the life path.
Your car alludes to your physical body or path. A presently owned car suggests a current matter, and a previously owned car, suggests your association with that car or that period in your life.
Off road vehicle alludes to either extra effort needed along a harder path, or you have the ability for the harder path ahead of you.
Race car alludes to the rate of movement along your path.
Rental car alludes to a temporary situation or assistance required along path.
Taxicab alludes to assistance required along path.
Limousine alludes luxury, wealth, and appearances.
Campervan/caravan alludes to vacation. Your association with the vehicle suggests why it appeared in your dream, for example, I use to live in a campervan after removing myself from the corporate world and city to figure out what I could do instead while I travelled, so when I dream of my campervan it symbolises ‘transition or lack of direction’.
Moving truck alludes to change. Change of surroundings, perspective, position, etc.
Truck alludes to a large aspect on your path. The specific type of truck will suggest what it was symbolising, for example, a long-haul truck suggest a long journey ahead.
Tractor alludes to effective assistance.
Forklift alludes to lifting and carrying a heavy aspect on your path.
Bulldozer alludes to clearing away extraneous aspects or preparing your foundations.
Ambulance alludes to medical attention.
Fire engine alludes to controlling a bad situation. Fire can represent emotions, so the situation could be governed by emotions.
Helicopter alludes to the capability of moving in any direction.
Aeroplane alludes to efficient movement and/or long distance to be covered. Your association with aeroplanes will suggest what they are symbolising, we each use planes for different reasons and have different experiences. As it is a vehicle in the air, there may be a connection to the element air which symbolises the mind.
Ship/boat alludes to the method of movement along spiritual journey. The specific type and size of the vessel will provide more detail. For example, a commercial barge suggests a spiritual journey taken by many. The condition of the water will show you the state of the journey.
Yacht alludes to a spiritual journey led by destiny.
Dreaming about the condition of the car
Dreaming of the condition of the car represents the state and quality of the movement and progress along your path.
Dirty vehicle alludes to an unclean aspect.
Running out of gas alludes to running out of energy.
Broken down alludes to not going any further because an aspect is damaged.
Car won’t start alludes to something being wrong.
Repairing or fixing the car alludes to something needs repairing or fixing.
Flat tyre alludes to repairing a flat situation. This could be in relation to the element air which symbolises the mind.
Changing a tyre alludes to changing an aspect of how you are moving along your path.
Being towed due to breakdown alludes to something being wrong and you are in need of help.
Dreaming of car parts
Dreaming of car parts represents the aspect of the physical body or an aspect of the matter on your path.
Engine alludes to energy and motivation.
Tyres allude to the condition of how you are moving along your path.
Headlights allude to light on the aspect/subject. How the headlight was used in the situation or the condition of it provides more information to the message of the dream and if the scene was showing a positive or negative aspect. For example, did you turn the headlight on to see suggesting the need to see something on your path, or was a headlight broken suggesting your perception is damaged.
Trunk or boot allude to either hidden aspects carried along your path or things you are carrying with you along your path.
Glove compartment or middle console alludes to useful aspects or stored aspects.
Drivers seat alludes to the one in control of the matter.
Back seat alludes to either not being in control of you path or taking a back seat in the matter.
Seat belt alludes to a protective aspect.
Air bag alludes to a protective aspect. This could be specifically about the mind, to protect your mind from impact.
Steering wheel alludes to the control of your path.
Handbrake alludes to halting. Heed the message of this dream.
Accelerator alludes to the rate of your movement on your path.
Speedometer alludes to the rate of your movement on your path. If you were doing the speed limit, going under or over, suggest you are going at a good pace, going too slow or too fast.
Odometer alludes to the amount of time in regards to something on your path or your life path in general.
Rear-view mirror alludes to checking what is behind you.
Car alarm alludes to an alert or warning about something.
Dreaming of driving
The way the car is driven alludes to how you are handling a matter, moving along your path and what direction you are going or is it a play on the word ‘drive’ and symbolising ‘what drives you’.
Driving is one aspect of the driving scene, use the type of vehicle, condition of the vehicle, the state of the ground/road, others in the car, who was driving, the surrounding landscape and the destination to know the entire message of this scene. Identify if the scene is showing a positive or negative angle.
Control of the car alludes to how you are controlling the matter. Did you have control of the car or not.
Weaving in and out of lanes or on and off the road alludes to carelessness and lack of awareness. If there was a known reason for doing this (distracted, sleepy, etc) this will give more detail to the message of the dream.
Switching lanes alludes to indecisive and vacillating. The lane you moved into (left/right or the slow/fast lane) may give more detail to the message of the dream.
Tailgating alludes to lack of patience or lack of distance between you and something else. The details of the other vehicle (type, colour, etc) may give more detail to the message of the dream.
Accelerating alludes to moving faster. If the reason for the acceleration is known, this will add to the message of the dream.
Speeding alludes to going too fast. Are you speeding in a dream to show you your pace, are you missing anything along the way, that you cannot experience when you are going too fast.
Braking alludes to coming to a halt. If the reason for the braking is known and the scene prior and after will add to the message of the dream.
Spinning Wheels alludes to not going anywhere, being stuck, or going over and over in the same place or over the same thing.
Reversing alludes to going backwards. Is this in regards to a setback or to go backwards for a reason (something previously missed, wrong way, etc).
Driving in reverse alludes to a backward movement, something about how you are moving on your path is wrong.
Diversion alludes to diverting from course.
Detouring alludes to taking a longer course.
Pulling over alludes to pausing or stopping along course. The reason for pulling over (communication or doing something) will add to the message of the dream.
Parking alludes to a temporary stop because something needs to be done or gained. The reason for parking, the place, and what was done or gained will add to the message of the dream.
Dreaming of people in the car
Dreaming of people in the car can help you understand how you are controlling the matter and the condition of the matter that the dream is about.
Driven by you alludes to you being in charge of the matter or your path.
Driven by someone you know
- This person is in control of the matter due to it being about a real situation that involves you both in waking life. For example, if your partner is driving, is this dream about your relationship.
- What this person symbolises, is in control of the matter, for example, traits or qualities, if a person symbolises integrity, then it alludes to your integrity is in control of the matter, the condition of the ground/road and the way the vehicle is being driven will show you if your integrity is being honoured or not.
Driven by someone you do not know
The dominant role of the person and what they are symbolising will be in control.
For example, a person representing a trait or quality (mother alluding to motherly characteristics), a person representing a stage or phase (teenager alluding to transitional phase), or a person who represents a position in society (taxi driver alludes to needing assistance to get from a to b)
Driven by no one alludes to no one being in control. You are either not influencing decisions and direction of the matter or in cruise control.
Sitting in the backseat alludes to not being in control or taking a back seat in the matter.
Others in the car alludes to a matter involving them, their characteristics, or people you are responsible for.
Dreaming of a road
Dreaming of a road alludes to your course.
This could be a current situation, relationship, thoughts, projects etc. The dream may also be a forecast of what is ahead of you on your path, this could be in regards to the current situation and where it is leading on this current course or could be a prophetic dream of the future that has no relation to a current situation.
The condition of the surrounding landscape will add to the condition of the road and if the course is showing a positive or negative angle.
The type of vehicle, the driver, the way the car was driven, others in the vehicle, anything else noticed, the actions and dialogue will contribute to the message of the dream.
Dirt road alludes to an unpaved course. Could be suggesting, the basics, foundations, or an unclean matter.
Muddy road alludes to a difficult course. If the car got stuck, then this would suggest you are or will be unable to move on your course.
Gravel road alludes to a loose course and suggests to pay attention.
Wet road alludes to impairment of traction of how you are moving along your course or it could be a play on words and be to caution you of a slippery course.
Bumpy road alludes to slow and difficult course.
Uneven road alludes to not easy.
Rough road alludes to a difficult course.
Erosion alludes to something on course is worn away.
Winding road alludes to a course with twists and turns.
Bend in the road alludes to veering in another direction. If the bend was left or right, this may add to the message of the dream.
Corner in the road alludes to a turning point on the course.
Sloping road alludes to a slanted course or a slightly more difficult course. If you were driving down the sloping road, this suggests a downward and descending course, if you were driving up the sloping road, this suggests a slightly more difficult course to ascend.
Uphill road alludes to a course where extra effort is needed in order to ascend.
Downhill road alludes to either easy part of the course or downward and descending course.
Main road alludes to primary and common way along course. Look to the rest of the scene to identify if this is a positive or negative angle, is the road taken by many a good course to take.
Expressway alludes to busy, fast, and quick way along your course.
One way road alludes to one way only or one track minded.
Side street alludes to being off the main course, going another way round, or sidetracked.
Back road alludes to a less known course or a less travelled course.
Cul-de-sac alludes to turning around or dead end along course.
Roundabout alludes to a course going around in circles. If you recall the number of times, you go around, this will add to the message of the dream, as will what happened during this part of the dream and where you exited. For example, I missed the turn off while on a roundabout and continued round again until the correct exit, this was suggesting that I missed the way out of a matter.
Intersection/crossroad alludes to a decision along course.
T intersection alludes to a decision along course. The choice of left or right will add to the message of the dream.
A fork in the road alludes to a split direction where one way or the other needs to be taken along course. The choice of left or right will add to the message of the dream.
Off/on ramp alludes to getting off or on here along your course.
Curb alludes to restraining an aspect or pausing along course.
Driveway alludes to the entrance or exit to another aspect. This aspect could be private and the type of building or the owner of the building will add to the message of the dream.
Parking lot alludes to something needing to be done or gained. The reason for parking, the place, and what was done or gained will add to the message of the dream.
Traffic alludes to the activity along your course. For example, busy suggests being occupied and grid lock suggests that you have come to a standstill.
Traffic lights alludes to the control of your movement along your course.
Road works alludes to maintenance or repairs along your course.
Being towed due to parking error alludes to a situation on your path that it is mistaken or improper.
Dreaming of travelling items
Car keys allude to you being in control of your path or an aspect to provide you with the means to gain access to something. Whose car keys they were, their detail (colour, tags, etc) and what you did with them will add to the message of the dream.
Driver’s license alludes to your identity.
Passport alludes to your identity.
Map alludes to a representation of where you are or can go. This dream could be giving you directional guidance physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
GPS alludes to direction. This dream could be suggesting you are not able to get to where you need to be by yourself, maybe you are feeling lost, or this dream could be giving you directional guidance, physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
Itinerary alludes to a planned course. The details of the itinerary: the method of travel, the departure and destination location, dates, price, and ticket number will all add to the message of the dream.
Journey alludes to an upcoming time of discovery, search, rest, etc, depending on the type of journey. The details of the journey will add to the message of the dream.
Layover alludes to a temporary setback or delay on your course.
Stop over alludes to experiencing something in particular or a need to stop on course. The location, scene, and the final destination will add to the message of the dream.
Round trip alludes to a journey. The details of the journey will add to the message of the dream.
Motion sickness alludes to something not agreeing with you on your path, or you are not agreeing with something on your path.
Another view on what motion sickness symbolises, is to use how it is scientifically explained; suggesting a psychological restriction that prevents you from progressing on your course because your brain is not making sense of the information you are intaking via your eyes, ears and body, using this angle, is there somewhere in waking life where you cannot make sense of some type of information that you are receiving.
Dreaming of the airport
The airport represents either your path or the mental body (thoughts, ideas, etc).
Could this be a play on words and something or some aspect is about to ‘take flight’.
Passport alludes to identity, rite of passage, or readiness for movement along course.
Airfare alludes to cost and value of course or mind.
Boarding pass alludes to a commitment or pass to a journey.
The details of the boarding pass: the departure and destination location, dates, departure gate, seat and flight number will all add to the message of the dream.
Carry-on luggage alludes to a planned and committed departure from some aspect and the details of the luggage and the contents could be what that aspect is and what is valuable to you in this matter.
Suitcase alludes to extraneous aspects that you carry in a matter or the detail of the suitcase and the contents will show you what the dream is about.
Airport carpark alludes to something needing to be done or gained.
Airport alludes to a transfer from where you are to somewhere else. This could be in regards to an aspect on your course or an aspect of the mind.
Airport terminal alludes to disembarking on your course or with your mind.
Departure gate alludes to waiting or ready for an aspect to take off.
Airport security alludes to protection. This suggests keeping an aspect of yourself, your mind, or your path secure and safe.
Baggage claim area alludes to collecting or claiming what is yours.
Customs alludes to inspecting what you carry around on your course or in your mind, or collecting or owning your aspects that you have.
Customs security alludes to an inspection.
Flight alludes to action or process on course or mind. The departure and destination location, the scene and its details will add to the message of the dream.
Turbulence alludes to disturbance and an unsteady movement along course or if the wind causing the turbulence is associated with air (thoughts), then the turbulence could symbolise disruptive thoughts.